Publicaciones de información geoespacial y geoprocesamiento
National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN-ES) has launched a new production system for automatic river network extraction for the Geospatial Reference Information (GRI) within hydrography theme. The goal is to get an accurate and updated river network, automatically extracted as possible. For this, IGN-ES has full LiDAR coverage for the whole Spanish territory with a density of 0.5 points per square meter. To implement this work, it has been validated the technical feasibility, developed a methodology to automate each production phase: hydrological terrain models generation with 2 meter grid size and river network extraction combining hydrographic criteria (topographic network) and hydrological criteria (flow accumulation river network), and finally the production was launched. The key points of this work has been managing a big data environment, more than 160,000 Lidar data files, the infrastructure to store (up to 40 Tb between results and intermediate files), and process; using lo
Publicaciones de Cartografía
New GIS based Map of Spain 1:500.000
Oral presentation at the 25th International Cartographic Conference, 3-8 July 2011, Paris.
This paper show the GIS based production of the map serie 1:500.000 at IGN-Spain.
This paper show the GIS based production of the map serie 1:500.000 at IGN-Spain.
Proyecto piloto de producción cartográfica en entorno SIG en el IGN: Mapa de España 1:500.000
A new GIS work group has been founded in the IGN Spain with a clear objective: change the cartographic processes going from CAD workflows to a continuous cartography GIS based environment. ME500 proje
Publicaciones de Geodesia y Geofísica
Resultados Preliminares de la Comparación Internacional de Gravímetros Absolutos. Preliminary Results of the International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters ICAG2001 with the
Since 1981 Institutions from several countries gathered to measure absolute gravity every four years in Sèvres at the
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). Different absolute gravimeters
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). Different absolute gravimeters
Results of the Sixth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters
The Sixth International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters was held from 2 July to 28 August 2001 at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures,Sèvres. The final results of the ICAG-2001 are prese
Red gravimétrica de orden cero y primer orden en España. Zero and First Order Gravity Network in Spain
Since the first absolute measurements of gravity in Spain (1882 by Joaquín Barraquer y Rovira) no absolute
measurements were performed till 1989, by R. Vieira and J. Makkinnen with a Jilag-5 absolute
measurements were performed till 1989, by R. Vieira and J. Makkinnen with a Jilag-5 absolute
Dos perfiles astrogeodésicos del geoide como control en el sur de España. Two checking astrogeodetic geoid profiles in southern Spain
In this work, the results obtained in two approximately north-south checking astrogeodetic geoid profiles, performed in the
province of Jaén (Southern Spain) and using the well-known Helmert’s appr
province of Jaén (Southern Spain) and using the well-known Helmert’s appr
Results of the International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters in Walferdange (Luxembourg) of November 2003
We present the results of international comparison of absolute gravimeters held in Walferdange, Luxembourg, in November 2003...